• Supriadi Oet Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu
Keywords: Divinity, John's Gospel


This paper wants to explain the Divinity of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of John. This writing begins with the problematic present, namely the emergence of misconceptions about the person of Jesus Christ, such as the understanding of the Gnostic and pluralist groups today. To evaluate the wrong understanding needs a solid foundation, which is the gospel. The very gospel which deals with the person of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of John. With an explanation of the Divinity of Jesus Christ provides protection and answers to those who ask who Jesus Christ is.

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Author Biography

Supriadi Oet, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu

Dosen di STT Arastamar Bengkulu (STTAB) bidang Pendidikan Agama Kristen.


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http:/ (25 juli 2015)
How to Cite
Oet, S. (1). KEILAHIAN YESUS MENURUT INJIL YOHANES. Manna Rafflesia, 2(2), 135-147.