1. The author has never published his article in another article or is submitting his article in another journal.

2. The title is related to the theme, not more than 15 words, there are no similar words in the title and contains elements of the method, theory, and problem.

3. Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian using Times New Roman font size 11, space 1, and text length between 100 - 150 words. The Indonesian version of the abstract is written in standard Indonesian following the PUEBI rules. The abstract describes briefly the problem, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The English version of the abstract is written in English in the form of past tense and linked sentences. Results and conclusions are written in the present tense. The abstract is expected to be more communicative and not monotonous.

4. The introduction contains the background, theoretical basis, problems, problem-solving plans, and research objectives. The introduction is written in Times New Romas letters, size 12, and 2 spaces.

5. Text is typed in a print area with a margin of 3 cm from the top, 3 cm below, 4 cm left, and 3 cm right. A4 paper size, 8.27 inch wide, 11.69 inch high. Layout: 0.5-inch header, 0.5-inch footer. The text does not need to be page-numbered.

6. The contents of the article are typed in a one-column format.

7. Articles are original articles of research results or reviews of previous articles. Articles are written in Indonesian. The number of article pages is between 20-25 pages including a list of references.

8. The systematic writing of research articles consists of the title, author's name, affiliation and correspondence address, abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, thanks, and a list of references. The systematics of writing a conceptual article (containing the results of a review) consists of the title, author's name, institution and address of correspondence, abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords, introduction, core part, summary, and list of references.

9. The article title is written in Times New Roman font size 14, capitalized, bold, centered, consists of a maximum of 15 words, and describes the contents of the manuscript.

10. The author's name is written in full in Times New Roman font size 12 without a title. Authors from different instances are indicated using a superscript after the name.

11. The manuscripts are presented in a narrative manner. Images are inserted in the text box and the figures caption is placed under the picture. Image captions are numbered and images must be referenced in the text. Image captions start with capital letters. Captions with more than one line are written using spacing 1. The image is painted with a line width of 1 pt and should have good contrast quality.

12. Results are the main part of scientific articles, containing: clean results without data analysis process, hypothesis testing results. Results can be presented in tables or graphs, to clarify the results verbally.

13. Discussion is the most important part of the entire scientific article content. The objectives of the discussion are: Answering research problems, interpreting findings, integrating findings from research into existing collections of knowledge, and developing new theories or modifying existing theories.

14. Tables are created with a line width of 1 pt and the table's caption is placed on top of the table. Table descriptions consisting of more than 2 lines are written using spacing 1. Table lines are prioritized horizontal lines only while vertical lines are omitted.

15. Conclusions contain answers to research questions. Suggestions refer to the results of research and take the form of practical actions, state for whom, and for what the suggestions are intended. Written in essay form, not in numerical form.

16. If so, the gratitude is addressed to official institutions or individuals as funders or for making other contributions to the research. Acknowledgments completed with the research contract letter number.

17. Bibliography and citations with footnotes using Mendeley's reference engine applications, Zotero or Word References.

18. Complete information can see examples of templates that are available on OJS.