Antara Selfie Dan Selfless: Sebuah Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Tren Instagram

  • Yudi Jatmiko Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church, Singapore
Keywords: Instagram, Philoselie, Theoselfless, Self-Image, God’s Image


The emergence of Instagram has indisputably made the world full of pictures. Messages that are generally dominated by words have turned into a collection of colorful pictures on Instagram. Pictures have brought a world that is beyond words. On the other hand, many experts observe the destructive sides of Instagram. The pictures that are initially meant to reveal beauty have transformed into a means of self-fulfillment. Pictures have turned into a context where the self has become the center of the message and the world. In the Christian faith, this is fatal! A self-centered life is contradictory to the Christian nature as God’s image, which basically must center life on God. The question begs to answer: how should Christian respond to Instagram? This is the focus of the research. To answer the question above, using the methodology of phenomenology approach and literary research, I will explain the history and impacts of Instagram. After that, I will analyze it from the perspective of the Christian faith, especially those that are related to the philosophy undergirding Instagram. Finally, I believe Instagram is not evil per se. However, appropriate responses are needed to bring forth a clearer God’s image in the world that is full of pictures.

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Author Biography

Yudi Jatmiko, Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church, Singapore

Pemimpin Gereja Presbyterian Bukit Batok, Singapura


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How to Cite
Jatmiko, Y. (2021). Antara Selfie Dan Selfless: Sebuah Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Tren Instagram. Manna Rafflesia, 7(2), 369-394.