Cerdik seperti Ular dan Tulus seperti Merpati: Berdasarkan Matius 10:16b

  • Arif Yupiter Gulo Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Pokok Anggur Jakarta
Keywords: Kecerdikan, Ketulusan, Pelayanan


In serving Him there are challenges that must be faced. Therefore, the Jesus give a strategy to face with according on Matthew 10:16 who is shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves. This article with qualitative research methods in the form of exegesis-hermeneutics. This exegetical method understands the meaning of the text of Matthew 10: 16b, which is indicated that in serving there is wisdom and sincerity that brings peace, because only peacemakers are became the children of God.



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How to Cite
Gulo, A. Y. (2020). Cerdik seperti Ular dan Tulus seperti Merpati: Berdasarkan Matius 10:16b. Manna Rafflesia, 7(1), 116-134. https://doi.org/10.38091/man_raf.v7i1.129