Rafflesia2025-02-23T07:25:43+07:00Samuel Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu (STTAB) turut serta dalam pengembangan pendidikan, secara khusus Pendidikan berbasis Teologi Kristen. Sebagai wujud pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam bidang Penelitian, maka Institusi STTAB menerbitkan Jurnal Teologi: <strong>Manna Rafflesia</strong>. Penerbitan Jurnal Teologi: Manna Rafflesia adalah sebagai upaya untuk berkontribusi dan mengakomodir tulisan-tulisan dan pemikiran Teologis yang berguna bagi Mahasiswa Teologi, Gereja, Bangsa & Negara Indonesia. Jurnal ini diterbitkan sebanyak 2 kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> DAN KETAHANAN PANGAN: REFLEKSI TEOLOGIS DARI TRADISI AGRARIS UMAT ALLAH DALAM PENGELOLAAN TANAH2025-02-23T07:25:43+07:00Mulyo Kadarmantomulyokadarmanto@gmail.comIke Albert<p><em>This writing aims to investigate the life of Israel as an agrarian society in the management and utilization of land products. This is very necessary to address the food crisis as a global challenge that requires the role of all levels of society to overcome it, including the church in it. This research was conducted using qualitative research, through a literature study approach. Then it was found that the people's food security is one of God's goals in regulating the lives of His people through the Torah law which regulates the governance of Israel's agrarian life. This is the foundation that offers a community of believers to participate in strengthening food security. A manifestation of concern that goes beyond the boundaries of faith and nationality as the church's witness in overcoming food insecurity.</em></p>2024-10-28T22:50:44+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES: THE FINAL DESTINATION OF DEAD BABIES AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE NIAS ISLANDS LUTHERAN CONGREGATION2025-02-23T07:25:22+07:00Fenius Gulogulofenius@gmail.comRaisa Fransiska<p><em>The death of babies on the Nias Islands, where most of the population adheres to Lutheran Christian beliefs, has become a serious problem from a theological and psychological perspective. Theologically, congregations are confused about the certainty of their baby's destination or safety when they die. The state of grief and confusing doctrines about soteriology related to dead babies have intimidated the psychology of parents whose children died as babies. To overcome this problem, researchers conducted a study using qualitative research methods. Based on theological investigation, the destination of a baby's death depends on the will of God, who is abundant in grace. He was able to choose someone to save from the womb. Meanwhile, from a psychological perspective, it is denied that parents whose babies die experience psychological disorders. Theological and psychological studies regarding the final destination of dead babies for the Nias Islands Lutheran congregation are the novelty of this research.</em></p>2024-10-28T22:59:23+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia DALAM MASYARAKAT MAJEMUK MELALUI DIALOG DAN KERJA SAMA2025-02-23T07:25:00+07:00Jonidius Illujoni.illu@gmail.comEnry Yakobus Duapadangduapangz1988@gmail.comRobert P<p><em>Indonesia is a pluralistic society because its citizens consist of various ethnic groups, races, religions, and social groups. Missions in a pluralistic society certainly have their own characteristics and uniqueness. This paper is a study of church missions in the context of a pluralistic society, taking West Sulawesi as the location of the research. The research method used to write this article is a qualitative method in the library, supplemented by field observations by observing the phenomena of church members' lives and interviews with several church leaders. This study employs a qualitative method with a case study approach, involving in-depth interviews with church leaders, congregation members, and other religious figures involved in interfaith dialogue and cooperation.. The results of the study indicate that honest and open dialogue, along with cooperation in social and humanitarian projects, can be effective tools for building mutually beneficial relationships between religious communities. This approach not only strengthens the role of the church in society but also helps to overcome prejudices and conflicts that may arise due to religious and cultural differences. These findings highlight the importance of cultural understanding, empathy, and communication skills in the implementation of missions in a pluralistic society. The study concludes that missions focusing on dialogue and cooperation are not only relevant but also essential in promoting peace and harmony in a pluralistic society. Practical recommendations are provided for churches and mission organizations in developing programs that support interfaith integration and cooperation, as well as advocating for policies that encourage inclusiveness and tolerance in society.</em></p>2024-10-28T23:01:28+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia THEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SUICIDAL TERRORISM SAMSON’S TERRORISTS ACT ACCORDING TO JUDGES 16:302025-02-23T07:24:39+07:00Yusak<p><em>This theological analysis delves into the complex and sensitive phenomenon of suicidal terrorism, drawing insights from the biblical narrative of Samson in Judges 16:30. By examining the life of Samson, a figure often cited in discussions surrounding violence and sacrifice, this paper seeks to explore the theological dimensions that may shed light on the motivations and justifications behind suicidal acts of terror. The study begins with examining the biblical text, particularly Judges 16:30, where Samson brings down the temple of the Philistines upon himself, resulting in his death. Through a careful exegetical analysis, we aim to uncover the theological underpinnings of Samson's actions and the implications for understanding contemporary instances of suicidal terrorism. The paper engages with theological concepts such as divine purpose, redemption, and sacrifice to explore how these themes manifest in the Samson narrative and their potential relevance to the ideological framework of modern terrorists. Additionally, it considers the ethical and moral implications of such acts within a theological context, seeking to distinguish between legitimate expressions of faith and distorted interpretations that lead to violence. By bridging biblical scholarship with contemporary issues, this theological analysis aims to contribute to a nuanced understanding of the theological roots of suicidal terrorism. It encourages a dialogue that acknowledges the complexities inherent in interpreting religious texts and their potential impact on individuals and communities grappling with issues of violence and extremism</em></p>2024-10-28T23:05:58+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia AND VIGILANCE: A BIBLICAL AND PHILOKALIAN APPROACH TO THE RENEWAL AND PROTECTION OF THE NOUS2025-02-23T07:24:17+07:00Hendi Hananing Ariesa S Sara<p><em>This article examines the biblical and Philokalian approach to renewing and protecting the nous or intellect (Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 2:17), proposing that prayer and nepsis (vigilance) are essential strategies for mitigating the influence of logismoi and passions. Analysis reveals that these practices are vital in cultivating authentic Christian spirituality. The Philokalia invites a reevaluation of spiritual perspectives, offering a novel framework that integrates an investigative tool, therapeutic technique, and theoretical insights into the human mind. This study highlights how these ancient practices can be adapted to modern psychotherapeutic interventions, providing a transformative approach to revitalizing our nous faculties. The findings underscore the relevance of the Philokalia in contemporary spiritual and psychological contexts, introducing innovative methods for addressing spiritual and emotional challenges in today's world. This article aims to bridge ancient spiritual wisdom with contemporary therapeutic practices, offering new insights and practical applications for enhancing mental and spiritual well-being.</em></p>2024-10-28T23:12:40+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia OF HOSPITALITY FOR INTRA AND INTER-RELIGIOUS HARMONY: AN INDONESIAN PERSPECTIVE 2025-02-15T07:21:11+07:00Frans H. M. A. ErsadaLindasitepu23@gmail.comHengki B.<p><em>The theme hospitality has become an emerging theme for recent theological explorations. The theme is prominent in the entire Bible and is relevant to the current global issues such as religious pluralism, immigrants, even ecological challenges. This article seeks to show the centrality of divine hospitality in the Bible and how it is clearly reflected in the Pentecost narrative in Acts 2. Furthermore, this article seeks to demonstrate how theology of hospitality could be relevant to fostering intra and inter-religious harmony, especially in the context of Indonesia. The hospitality of the Spirit as shown in Pentecost shapes the body of Christ as a community of hospitality that would use gifts of the spirit not for self-aggrandizement but to serve other. Hospitality is also a theological statement. When Christians are being hospitable towards the religious other, they embody the hospitality of God, and thus participating in the mission of God.</em></p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia PEMBEBASAN PALESTINA2025-02-23T07:23:53+07:00Edi<p><em>The Theology of Liberation in Palestine has become a phenomenon influencing the dynamics of religion, politics, and identity in Palestine and worldwide. This paper analyzes the connection between Palestinian Liberation Theology and Latin American Liberation Theology, as well as its influence on the perception and participation of Christians in the Palestinian liberation movement. The research method employed is a literature review, focusing on relevant literature search, selection, content analysis, comparison, and critical evaluation. The research findings indicate that Palestinian Liberation Theology shares the same roots as Latin American Liberation Theology, focusing on liberation from oppressive structures and restoring dignity to the oppressed. This theology has strengthened the identity of Palestinian Christians and fostered ecumenical cooperation, motivating them to engage politically in the struggle for Palestinian independence. Practical support from global Christians is reflected in concrete actions and social activities, such as support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel. Palestinian Liberation Theology has been a source of inspiration and strength for Christians in Palestine and worldwide to advocate for justice and promote sustainable peace in the region.</em></p>2024-10-28T23:19:50+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia EFEKTIF INTERNALISASI NILAI KRISTEN DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER DAN SPIRITUALITAS REMAJA KRISTEN2025-02-15T07:20:52+07:00Ardianto Lahagulahaguardi8855@gmail.comFransiskus Irwan<p><em>This study aims to identify effective strategies for internalizing Christian values in shaping the character and spirituality of Christian youth. This research explores theological literature relevant to Christian spiritual formation strategies using a descriptive qualitative approach and literature analysis. The findings reveal that using Bible stories, reflective discussions, social service, and the active involvement of pastors, families, and church communities are vital components in the internalization process of Christian values. A holistic approach integrating Biblical teaching with practical experience is highly effective in cultivating Christian youth character deeply rooted in solid spirituality. The originality of this research lies in the synergy between spiritual formation and the role of church communities in shaping youth spirituality, a topic that has rarely been explored in depth in contemporary theological literature.</em><em> </em></p> <p> </p> <div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 620px; top: 270.333px;"> <div class="gtx-trans-icon"> </div> </div>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia IRENEUS KEPADA KAUM BIDAT YANG MEMPERTENTANGKAN KEILAHIAN YESUS2025-02-23T07:23:30+07:00Meriwatimerrypaula77@gmail.comTjutjun<p><em>Topics about the Trinity, Christology, as well as topics about heretics are always debatable topics. It's not only happening at the present time but has also started since the first centuries, during the time of the church fathers. Irenaeus is a Christian figure who is known as the father of the church, also at the time when he was dealing with the teachings of Gnosticism, and how was Irenaeus’ view in dealing with Gnosticism as well as explaining Christology. This article is a descriptive description of Irenaeus' Christology as a contrast to the development of Gnostic Christology in the second century AD, so the method used is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this article is so that Christians can understand Christology correctly. This article is not only meant to be a historical depiction, but also to show its continuity with the post-Enlightenment Christological dynamics as proposed by William Bousset who attempted to place Paul's Christology in the context of Gnosticism.</em></p>2024-10-28T23:48:37+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia KEMANUSIAAN YANG MELINTAS BATAS KEAGAMAAN DALAM NARASI ORANG SAMARIA YANG BAIK HATI2025-02-23T07:23:08+07:00Joseph Christ<p><em>The narrative of the Good Samaritan as written in the Gospel of Luke is a familiar narrative among Christians. Some researchers have raised this narrative in terms of ethnic differences, but researchers are interested in examining this narrative from another point of view, namely religious differences. The dispute between the Jews and the Samaritans implied in this narrative is not only due to ethnic differences but also to religious differences. One of the religious conflicts that has occurred before is the imposition of Judaism on the Samaritans that occurred in Hyrcanus' time. Using a descriptive analysis approach, the researcher came to the conclusion that the narrative contains human values in terms of equality, compassion, and totality.</em></p>2024-10-28T23:57:27+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia DAN PELAYANAN HOLISTIK SEBAGAI DASAR KEPEDULIAN SOSIAL: IMPLEMENTASI PRINSIP YAKOBUS 2:14-172025-02-23T07:22:44+07:00Debby Sandra<p><em>This article examines the role of missiology and holistic ministry as the basis of social care with the implementation of the principles outlined in the letter of the Apostle James 2: 14-17. The verses emphasize that faith without works is dead, indicating that real action must accompany true faith. This study aims to provide insights and practical guidance for churches and Christian organizations in carrying out holistic ministry, which not only reaches out to souls but also has a real positive impact on society. Through a missiological approach, this article uses a descriptive qualitative method that has concluded how the church's mission is not only limited to the spread of the gospel but also includes holistic ministry, which means paying attention to humans' physical, emotional, and social needs. First, Christians are expected to be able to understand the theological basis of missiology and holistic ministry in the study of theological analysis of James 2: 14-17 to be able to bring the role of the church in increasing social care and also the practical implications of the principles of James 2: 14-17 in holistic ministry. The holistic ministry emphasizes the integration of evangelism and social action as a manifestation of the Christian faith, which churches and Christian organizations can implement<strong>. </strong>Thus, missiology-based and holistic ministry meets not only spiritual needs but also physical needs through biblical teachings.</em></p>2024-10-29T00:16:42+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia LEADERSHIP: KEPEMIMPINAN ALKITABIAH SEBAGAI FONDASI MITIGASI RISIKO DIGITAL2025-02-23T07:22:20+07:00Wahju Astjarjo Etnasari<p><em>In an increasingly digital era, Christian leaders face new challenges in managing digital risks. To face these challenges, Christian leadership needs to be based on the spiritual values contained in the event of Christ's transfiguration. This article explores the meaning of Christ's transfiguration and its implications for contemporary Christian leadership. The concept of "Transfigured Leadership" can be a valuable approach for Christian leaders to face these challenges from the perspective of Christian spirituality. The method used is a descriptive qualitative analysis of the Bible and literature with related themes. The research results show that the transfiguration of Christ reveals the character of Christ as a sanctified Messiah, a leader whose life is pleasing to the Father, and a role model for His followers. Christian leadership values that originate from the transfiguration of Christ require leaders who live in holiness, have a close relationship with God, humility, willingness to make sacrifices, obedience to their calling, and continuous self-transformation. By focusing on the example of Christ's leadership, Christian leaders are expected to implement leadership that is oriented toward spiritual transformation.</em></p>2024-10-29T00:25:26+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia TEMU MAKNA BAPTISAN MENURUT ROMA 6:3-6 DAN KONSEP MANUNGGALING KAWULO GUSTI BAGI PEMURIDAN KONTEKSTUAL MASYARAKAT JAWA2025-02-23T07:21:58+07:00Aji Andrew Wahyu<p><em>Baptism and discipleship are two things that cannot be separated. In the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus, they are intertwined. One of the concepts contained in baptism is union with Christ found in Romans 6:3-6. This is an important theme that believers must understand, especially through discipleship. On the other hand, the author sees the dominance of the Javanese tribe among the Indonesian population. This dominance occurs in the government, economic sectors, and church life. This fact drives this research to actualize contextual discipleship carried out by the Church towards Javanese congregations. One of the concepts of Javanese thought with a common theme of human unity with God is the concept of manunggaling kawulo gusti. Through the literature research method, this concept is explored in depth. This exploration will be seen and interpreted from the baptism perspective in Romans 6:3-6. As a result, there are points of convergence as well as points of difference. The findings obtained will then become material for the actualization of contextual discipleship in Javanese society.</em></p>2024-10-29T00:28:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia MAKNA KEMATIAN DALAM KEPERCAYAAN SUKU NIAS: ANTARA WARISAN BUDAYA DAN KONTEKS KEKRISTENAN2025-02-23T07:21:38+07:00Matheus<p><em>The Nias tribe has a unique view of death reflected in its beliefs and traditions. It reflects a blend of Christian elements with local beliefs rich in myths, rituals, and symbolism. Local beliefs are reflected in traditional ceremonies rich in symbols and meanings. But it has slowly adapted to the changing times. It is undeniable that the people of Nias are facing significant transformations due to globalization and modernization. These changes not only affect the way of life economically and socially but also change the understanding and management of corpse. This study uses literature as a guideline in compiling this article. To obtain data, use a qualitative field or ethnographic approach to the social and culture of the Nias tribe. The results indicate that the meaning of death for the Nias tribe has changed along with the interaction with the influence of globalization and modernization. The tradition of death, rich in spiritual and social values, remains a strong foothold in maintaining its cultural identity, despite its adaptation to contemporary dynamics</em></p>2024-10-29T00:34:30+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia KONTEKSTUAL DI INDONESIA: SOLUSI TEOLOGIS DAN SOSIAL UNTUK MASYARAKAT PLURALIS2025-02-23T07:21:17+07:00Tonny Andrianbangkit153@gmail.comWaharman<p><em>In Indonesia, a pluralistic society with diverse cultures, religions, ethnicities, and worldviews poses significant challenges to church missiology. Horizontal conflicts related to religion and ethnicity are a frequent occurrence in the course of the nation's journey. This article explores the theological and social approaches to dealing with the issue's complexity. It investigates how the church can be a positive change agent in promoting interfaith dialogue, building social harmony, and strengthening cross-cultural understanding. Using a research method that involves theological study and social analysis expressed in a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach to understand the church's and missionaries' role in contemporary society. The conclusion is the need for the church to understand the dynamics of pluralism in the context of missiology in Indonesia so that it can provide a theological approach strategy in missiology for multicultural societies and also the importance of social strategies in facing the challenges of missiology in contemporary society. Finally, it can provide social and cultural impacts and implications for the practice of missiology in Indonesia. hence highlighting the need for a holistic approach that integrates theology with the social context of society, so that missiology can play an effective role in facing contemporary challenges and expanding its positive impact in social and spiritual transformation in Indonesia.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-29T00:54:31+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia IMAN DALAM KETIDAKPASTIAN: REFLEKSI TEOLOGIS BERDASARKAN KITAB HABAKUK2025-02-23T07:20:58+07:00Iman Kristina Pesah Purwonugrohodanielpesahedu@gmail.comMartha Bela Wowokariammbela@gmail.comYosafat Gratia<p><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">This paper is organized to find faith in uncertainty through theological reflection based on the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk is a prophet of God in the Old Testament who experienced a difficult time amid King Jehoiakim's reign. The difficulties of life and injustice that occurred during the time of King Jehoiakim made the prophet Habakkuk constantly pray and put his faith in God. This steadfastness of faith needs to be emulated by believers. The modern age in which believers live often brings various challenges, such as the relativism of absolute truth and identity crisis. As a believer living in modern times, I believe that</span> <span data-preserver-spaces="true">imitating Habakkuk can be done to achieve faith resilience. By having faith resilience as a result of imitating Habakkuk, believers can get through difficult times through their faith. Believers' faith will be trained amid life's uncertainties. Through descriptive qualitative research methods, the author tries to narrate the discovery of faith amid uncertain conditions through theological reflection based on the book of Habakkuk. The author states that the theological reflection of the book of Habakkuk brings believers to have faith that even amid uncertainty, God still answers prayer.</span></em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-29T01:03:38+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manna Rafflesia